Innovative & sustainable airports
DemonsTrating lower pollUting soLutions for sustaInable airPorts acrosS Europe
UPDATE #3 #1
TULIPS Progress Event: 'Accelerating Airports in the Clean Energy Transition' on 10 October in Turin
Airports find themselves in the midst of a vital and complex shift: the clean energy transition. TULIPS is testing and validating several related concepts and technologies, such as the Iron Flow Battery and the H2-GPU. During the TULIPS Progress event we will share our preliminary results. Politecnico di Torino, together with Torino Airport, graciously hosts our Progress event. Join us in our aim for concrete solutions for airports to reduce emissions. Make a note of 10 October in your calender!
2nd Hydrogen Airports Conference on 11 October in Turin
Together with ACI and To70, TULIPS is organising the 2nd Hydrogen Airports Event at Torino Airport on 11 October 2024. Topics include a common vision on hydrogen flight and related supply chain aspects, guidelines for incorporating hydrogen into current aerodrome supply chains, integrating hydrogen into current airport operations and long-term development strategies.
Transforming Waste Methods; a Dutch Airport's Journey towards a circular Economy
As part of the TULIPS project, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol developed the Baseline Circular Airports Method (BCAM) to assess and improve waste management practices. BCAM systematically analyses resource streams, relevant stakeholders, treatment processes and environmental impact. Read how BCAM can help your airport in becoming more circular.
RTHA advances Liquid Hydrogen Storage at the Airport
Rotterdam The Hague Airport is at the forefront of hydrogen-powered aviation. One of its projects is the TULIPS demonstration, which features a hydrogen-powered drone. To enable us to facilitate this flight, we need to get the basics right. Among other things, a permit is required for a liquid hydrogen storage facility.
TULIPS deep dive session: meetings amongst the tulips
It’s almost a tradition; when the tulips bloom in April, the TULIPS partners come to Schiphol. We then discuss the coordination between the work packages and check the progress. During deep dive sessions we shared updates on the use of (micro) smart grids, the hydrogen GPU, tagging construction materials for reuse, SAF infrastructure, and much more. It’s great to see how the plans for the demonstrations are now really being implemented. An impression
Why TULIPS will test a hydrogen Ground Power Unit
Starting in June, TULIPS will be testing a hydrogen Ground Power Unit in airside operations. Switching to an H2-GPU could drastically cut emissions. But there are more reasons why an H2-GPU is an interesting development for airports.
TULIPS Sister Project OLGA involved in testing hydrogen-powered bus
Cluj-Napoca has become the first city in Romania to test a hydrogen-powered bus under normal conditions (with passengers). The demonstration is part of a broader European initiative, namely the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, which also includes the OLGA project. The aim is to gradually replace conventional fossil fuel-powered public transport with zero-local-emission alternatives.
Would you like to meet us? Then join us at these events:
10 October, Turin / Castello del Valentino
We would like to share our preliminary results and lessons learned and hear your feedback!
11 October, Torino Airport
Moving towards a common vision, guidelines, business models and long term development strategies
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101036996.