Related TULIPS projects: OLGA

OLGA (hOlistic Green Airport) is a sister project of TULIPS. OLGA is a H2020 project funded under the European Green Deal, which aims to reduce the environmental impact of the aviation sector. The project, which started on 1st October 2021, is coordinated by Groupe ADP, with Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport as a frontrunner.
Focus of OLGA projects
OLGA carries out major environmental innovations applicable to the partner airports (Zagreb, Milan and Cluj) and capable of being replicated on a European scale, which focus on:
- Accelerated deployment of SAF (including advanced biofuels), green hydrogen and electromobility in transport, as well as sustainable energy supply and storage and waste heat recovery in airports;
- Clean energy/fuel production and distribution (particularly green hydrogen and electricity) and increased alternative (bio‐)fuel supply, with re‐fuelling and re‐charging capabilities;
- Green airports as multimodal hubs, optimising passenger and freight flows for low emission mobility, in a context of much stricter public health criteria;
- Energy‐efficient and green airport operations and buildings, green and smart logistics, integration with other low-emission transport modes (in particular rail) and promoting effective modal shifts;
- Reduced aviation, waterborne and other transport emissions, improved air quality, biodiversity, contribution to the circular economy and reduction of noise at airports and ports;
- Reduced emissions for cities and urban mobility, improved city integration for airports;
- Clear commitments and contributions to Europe‐wide take-up of technological, non‐technological and socially innovative solutions during and beyond the project are expected, which could be in the form of follow‐up actions, for instance, supported by EU’s Connecting Europe Facility or other funding programmes;
- Significant and immediate contribution to the achievement of the European Green Deal, as well as other EU transport policy objectives (including TEN‐T), while strengthening the competitiveness of the European transport sector.
Facts & figures OLGA
OLGA has a total budget of €34 million, with €25 million funding from the European Commission over a period of 60 months. The consortium is formed of 41 partners and 17 third parties, involving large and small airports, airlines and aviation industry, public authorities, researchers and innovative start-ups. The OLGA results will generate positive societal, environmental and economic impacts that will spread to the local, national and European level, thanks to extensive dissemination efforts.
More information
More details about OLGA can be found on the project website and on their LinkedIn or Twitter.