Bos Logistics’ first electric truck at Schiphol

Bos Logistics started testing their first electric truck at Schiphol, investigating how it performs compared to trucks with other fuels when it comes to environmental, social and energy impact. Our aim: decarbonising the first and last mile.

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Pier D Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, where the research lab has been opened

Schiphol opens research lab for ultrafine particles on apron

At Schiphol, a research lab has been opened at two aircraft stands on Pier D. The lab is full of equipment that can measure ultrafine particles and will be used to test measures and experiment with innovative ideas. The data and lessons learned of the research lab will be available for TULIPS as well.

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Green Airports side event at Paris Air Show 2023

To give some insights into the solutions we are working on, we joined  EU Green Deal Projects OLGA and STARGATE at the Paris Air Show for a side event, discussing the challenges of e.g. SAF and hydrogen on the our way to becoming zero emisson airports.

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