December 2022
On 8 December 2022 TULIPS partner Avinor hosted a group of SAF- experienced airports from all over Europe at Oslo Airport. We primarily discussed how airports can incentivise use and production of Sustainable Aviation Fuels. A challenge that we can only tackle if we collaborate and share knowledge. We therefore not only invited our TULIPS partners involved in SAF, such as Avinor, Schiphol Group, SINTEF, SkyNRG, KLM, NLR and TNO, but also lighthouse airports in related projects ALIGHT, OLGA and Stargate. The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB), the European Commission and leading airports Swedavia Aviation Business and Geneva Airport joined this TULIPS event to share interesting thoughts on the topic.

TULIPS aims to scale up the SAF market
SAF is expected to remain the main driver for a more sustainable aviation sector in the foreseeable future. TULIPS Workpackage 5 therefore addresses challenges across the SAF supply chain. Activities will help answering questions such as: what can an airport do to support the use or production of SAF? What is the effect of large-scale SAF supply on an airport fuel infrastructure? And how does on-airport SAF production via the Power-to-Liquids pathway make sense?