The TULIPS project publishes reports regularly. If you are interested in our (prelimary) results you can view and download our deliverables here. We will complete this list over time.
Number | Title | Explanation |
D2.1 | Feasibility study: airports delivering energy supply for future aircraft. Appendices: Generic safety assessment and project plan for all demos |
The report will include the implications for airport (energy) infrastructure and operations related to the implementation of hybrid-electric and hydrogen aviation at hub, national and regional airport, including scheduling and cost. The energy-related findings are also used for WP3. The report will also describe barriers, including mitigation for executing the demos. A safety assessment of the three demonstration activities, including validation of the assessment and identified (Linked to task 2.1) |
D2.2 | System survey acceptance protocol: Concept of unattended charging with belonging test plans and technological solutions implemented on a Velis Electro aircraft |
Docket of design documents an EASA approved test plan and report of implemented devices, sensors and state-flow althoritms into the hardware/software solution to enable unattended charging of a generic aircraft, as manifested on a Velis Electro aircraft, with sign-off of EASA DO.524 in form of a NTO statement. (Linked to task 2.2) |
D2.3 | Functional modular battery farm and simulator for airside distributed charging |
Manufacturing report on battery farm with proof of function, alongside manufacturing report and proof of function of a future-scale battery simulator module to begin facilitating of distributed charging principles. (Linked to task 2.3) |
D2.4 | Operation at the airport of an aircraft powered by a liquid hydrogen fuel cell system and the associated refuelling infrastructure |
Functional safety assesment and concept of operations for LH2 handing of a representative aircraft. (Linked to task 2.4) |
D2.5 |
This deliverable will present activities and results performed within task 2.4 and especially the model based validation of refuelling process, and evaluation of liquid H2 fuelling infrastructure, procedures and regulation towards future large scale H2 needs, with focus tuned to GSE and aviation. (Linked to task 2.5) |
D3.1 |
A smart resilient energy system for airports will be designed based on comprehensive overall system analysis. The system will be fit for the current and future supply and demand. Additionally, a comprehensive integration, monitoring & control system will be proposed to allow the management of all energy traffic at an Airport during and after the transition towards production and use of sustainable energy. (Linked to task 3.1) |
D4.1 | Demonstration plan including operational concept for demonstrating the GSE equipment |
Plan detailing the activities to be performed in the demonstration, defining the operational concept, and the minimum operational requirements of the GSE. It will provide input for developing the GSE prototypes in task 4.2 and serve as keystone for the demonstration in task 4.3. |
D4.2 | H2-GPU prototype for demonstrations |
Activities performed to develop a hydrogen fuel cell powered GPU based on a battery or diesel GPU base. Included will be key design and exploitation aspects such as: operational profile for the H-GPU, service for a typical day and develop hybrid power design, form factor/space limitations, integration strategy, hybrid hydrogen + battery power solution design choices, general arrangement of components in the available spaces, hydrogen system sizing, Integration design, and factory and commissioning testing activities performed. (Linked to tasks 4.2 and 4.3) (Linked to tasks 4.2 and 4.3) |
D4.9 | Demonstration plan including operational concept for demonstrating the Tow Tractor |
Demonstration plan including operational concept for the tow tractor Plan detailing the activities to be performed in the demonstration, defining the operational concept, and the minimum operational requirements of the H2 tow tractor. It will provide input for developing the prototype and serve as keystone for the demonstration. [The deliverable has been adapted into two separate deliverables (with respect to D4.1) as the H2 Tow tractor is delayed] |
D5.1 | Replicable framework with boundary conditions for successful PtL projects |
Key conditions in different areas (e.g. climate, policy, availability of cheap CO2 sources) for the success of PtL based SAF production plants will be determined and detailed in this report. Based on this, favorable areas for the further upscaling of this pathway (in both the EU and beyond) will be identified. (Linked to task 5.3) |
D5.2 | Toolbox to assess feasibility and benefits of an on-airport PtL facility site |
This toolbox will enable airports to determine whether on-airport production of SAF using DAC PtL is feasible. Topics that will be included are: high-level permit overview, potential impact on day to day operations at the airport, requirements on the downstream supply of the SAF before entering the airport fuel infrastructure, plant size and utility requirements. (Linked to task 5.3) |
D6.1 | Airport circularity base line study |
In this study, the level of circularity of SNBV will be assessed. This will be done by firstly creating a shared definition of circularity. Secondly, waste and resource streams are mapped. This mapping exercise will be enriched by providing information available on volume, weight, environmental impact, etc.. The results of this baseline study will form a basis for the performance measurement system, the demo/pilot in the terminal as well as the impact assessment of the circularity practices. (Linked to task 6.1) |
D6.2 | Circularity performance management system |
To measure the effect of circular economy improvement interventions, a performance management system will be set-up. The deliverable will provide potential users with the following (but not limited to): KPIs to measure, tools to use, governance system. (Linked to task 6.1) |
D6.7 | Demonstrate and test Circularity performance management system |
To demonstrate and evaluate the system. The deliverable will show potential users how the system can support their circularity processes. (Linked to task 6.1 & task 6.2) |
D7.1 | Land carbon soil study for Schiphol and Larnaca, biochar characterization and definition of biochar field trials set-up |
D7.1 will report on M18 on the results of the Land Carbon Soil study conducted by EGIS for the Larnaca and Schiphol sites, the definition of biochar field trials from POLITO/RE-CORD and the properties of the biochar produced by RE-CORD for the abovementioned field trial. The intended internal audience are lighthouse and fellow airports, while the external target audience are agronomists, regulatory bodies, stakeholder in the field land management and sustainability. (Linked to task 7.2) |
D8.1 | Carbon footprint method for combined passenger-freight operations |
The Deliverable will describe methodology developed in task 8.6 for emission computation and emission allocation between passengers and freight for the passenger-freight combined services (air transport and airports). The described methodology will show where and when deviations from the established methods, such as IATA RP 1678 are necessary, and how to deal with the situations when real world primary data is missing. This methodology will be used for determining of emissions and footprint of door-to-door intermodal aviation networks. (Linked to task 8.6) |
D9.1 | Report with Identification of key criteria for future deployment |
This deliverable will report on the activities and results of Task 9.1, namely in the key criteria which will have been found for the future deployment of TULIPS results. The information package produced for safety and certification will also be presented. |
D10.1 | Specify existing roadmap lighthouse with solutions from demo area‘s towards outlook 2030 |
Specification of the RSG roadmap will be based on the specified 2030 ambitions and involved actions for RSG together with the performance assessments + outcomes in WP1 to WP7. A written report will be delivered. (Linked to task 10.1) |
D10.2 | Assessment and revision of Road Maps based on demo assessment fellow airports |
This report will reflect the road maps of airports participating in this consortium setting up the scene for an an integral structured road map as described in Task 10.3. Horizon for this will be the 2030 milestone. This shall provide input to D10.6 and D10.7 |
D12.1 | Communication & dissemination Plan V1 |
Detailed plan of project dissemination and communication activities, including target groups, channels, tools, key messages and KPIs. A comprehensive plan to ensure dissemination of the project result. This includes a dissemination kit, publications, participation at events, Newsletters and press releases. (Linked to tasks 12.1 & 12.2) |
D12.2 | Communication & dissemination Plan V2 |
Updated plan of project dissemination and communication activities, including target groups, channels, tools and key messages. This deliverable will include a performance assessment based on the KPIs defined in V1. It summaries the Communication and Dissemination Activitites until M18 and gives and outlook on the plan for the next period. (Linked to tasks 12.1 & 12.2) |
D12.3 | Standardisation roadmap V1 |
Initial standardisation report, enabling TULIPS projects to keep track of standardisation activities related to their work in addition to planned and submitted contributions from other Work Packages. This will include a mapping of all applicable and relevant existing standards, as identified by the TULIPS partners in Work Packages 1-7. (Linked to task 12.4) |
D12.4 | Collaboration with existing initiatives and clustering with other EU projects V1 |
Initial collaboration report, identifying potentially relevant related EU initiatives and projects to be included in TULIPS communications, plus a “”shortlist”” of (5-15) projects from relevant domains with a plan for their active engagement. Summary of opportunities for information sharing, cooperation and “clustering” with priority initiatives, including within H2020 / Green Deal communities. (Linked to task 12.5) |